Normanton Altofts Junior School



Year 2 to Year 3 Transition

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At Altofts Junior School, we recognise that transition from infants to juniors can be both exciting and overwhelming for all involved. More so because the children in our community move to us from completely different schools. We understand that transition is a process and not an event, which is why we begin liaising with our feeder infant schools long before the children are due to start with us in September. Key members of staff meet to share and receive relevant information about the children and as we feel that it is such an important time in a child’s life we have a designated named member of staff at our school who is responsible for transition between Year 2 and Year 3.


We strive to make the transition process between infants and juniors as smooth as possible which is why we set the classes in collaboration with staff from our feeder infant schools. The process of transition also involves many more activities, including:

  • the Year 3 teachers observing the Y2 children in their Year 2 classes.
  • the Year 3 teachers teaching the Y2 children in their Year 2 classes.
  • buddy day which is when each Year 2 child meets their Year 3 buddy who will help them in their first few days at Altofts. They usually get to know each other and complete a creative activity during this first meeting.
  • cycling proficiency which is a chance for the Year 2 children to spend time in their new classes whilst gaining practical skills and an understanding of how to cycle safely in our community.
  • transition day which is when the Year 2 children come to us to spend the day with their new teacher and new classmates.


Extra meetings and transition activities are arranged for those children who are identified as needing this by their infant school. The SENCOs from both our school and the infant schools meet to discuss any children who have special educational needs so that we can provide appropriate provision from the very first day in September.


Children in Key Stage 2 are expected to take more responsibility in organising themselves and their belongings. We appreciate that this independence can take time to achieve and we help and encourage the children to gradually become more independent throughout their time in Year 3.







Year 6 to Year 7 Transition


At Altofts, we recognise that moving up from Primary to Secondary school can be both a daunting and exciting prospect for both pupils and parents alike.  As they’ve progressed up through primary school, Year 6 pupils have become big fish in a small pond and are ready to move on to the next stage of their life: to make new friends, develop their knowledge and learn even more life skills. After the KS2 SATs tests in May, we spend a considerable amount of time preparing our pupils for this move.  We liaise closely with the secondary schools to ensure that every pupil will have their needs met when they move up by having face-to-face meetings with year group leaders and SENCos from each school and we carry out transition projects in school, looking at topics such as organisational skills, friendships and resilience. Our children also have the opportunity to have an induction day at their chosen school as well as have some of their teachers come and speak to them within school.  For children who are particularly anxious about leaving primary school, and for those with SEND, we can arrange extra transition visits to help to prepare them for their move. It is our aim that, by the end of the summer term in Year 6, every child is:

  • Independent
  • A responsible citizen
  • Resilient
  • Self- sufficient
  • Organised
  • A ‘ready’ learner