Physical Education
We believe that every child should be given the opportunity to participate in physical activity on a regular basis, become more physically confident and develop a love for PE and sport. By providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to enjoy, our Physical Education aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities and sports.
We strive to deliver two sessions of quality PE a week which enables children to learn the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, improves emotional well-being and develops their decision making and evaluation skills. Our PE units of work aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will always strive to achieve their best.
Furthermore, we aim to provide the children with regular opportunities to compete in a variety of intra (within school) and inter (outside school) competitions. Competition will foster children’s confidence, communication and team work skills, as well as deepening their understanding of concepts such as respect, sportsmanship and fair play. Not only are these skills important for PE and sport, they are vital in everyday life and they will prepare our children for success in the outside world.
Our aim is to develop a sustained lifelong love of sport and fitness for our students. This supports our students to develop the vital life skills of physical literacy, resilience, confidence, leadership, and problem solving, whilst ensuring students enjoy sport and physical activity and want to pursue this beyond their years at Altofts Junior School. We are continuing to develop our links with outside agencies and clubs which will help to generate positive interaction within the community.
PE is taught twice weekly; each year group has two units of PE to complete each half term.
Through the PE Hub scheme of work, we have ensured that children develop the skills needed to participate in a range of physical activities and sports. Units of work are built upon each year and sports revisited to ensure the children are progressively developing and mastering the skills and knowledge so that they know more, learn more and remember more.
Lessons will be differentiated where necessary to ensure that all children are being challenged, are successful and progress is made within each unit of work. There is an emphasis on all children being physically active for large amounts of every session.
Impact of PE will be demonstrated through lesson observations and drop-ins, and performance in both intra and inter school competitions.
As children progress throughout the school, they will develop their skills and deepen their knowledge of different aspects of the PE curriculum, as well as developing their social, emotional and thinking skills. This ensures that they are well prepared for the next steps of their education.
All children will leave Altofts Juniors with an understanding about the importance of PE, physical activity and sport, understand how exercise affects the body and the risk factors associated with not leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
The impact of the curriculum is monitored through a combination of discussions with pupils and staff and lesson observations in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the quality of the curriculum and highlight areas for further development.
Knowledge Organisers
Year 3
Autumn Term Gymnastics
Autumn Term Tag Rugby
Autumn Term Football
Autumn Term Dance
Spring Term Dance
Spring Term Netball
Spring Term Tennis
Spring Term Cricket
Summer Term Dodgeball
Summer Term Athletics
Summer Term Rounders
Summer Term Communication and Tactics
Year 4
Autumn Term Gymnastics
Autumn Term Football
Autumn Term Tag Rugby
Autumn Term Dance
Spring Term Dance
Spring Term Basketball
Spring Term Dodgeball
Spring Term Swimming
Summer Term Swimming
Summer Term Tennis
Summer Term Rounders
Summer Term Communication and Tactics
Year 5
Autumn Term Gymnastics
Autumn Term Tag Rugby
Autumn Term Football
Autumn Term Dance
Spring Term Dance
Spring Term Netball
Spring Term Tennis
Spring Term Cricket
Summer Term Dodgeball
Summer Term Athletics
Summer Term Rounders
Summer Term Communication and Tactics
Year 6
Autumn Term Gymnastics
Autumn Term Football
Autumn Term Tag Rugby
Autumn Term Dance
Spring Term Health Related Exercise
Spring Term Basketball
Spring Term Dodgeball
Spring Term Cricket
Summer Term Tennis
Summer Term Athletics
Summer Term Rounders
Summer Term Communication and Tactics