1. Thinkuknow (National Crime Agency's CEOP Education)
Provides advice, resources, and support to help parents keep their children safe online.
2. NSPCC - Online Safety
Offers guidance on protecting children from online risks like cyberbullying, sexting, and inappropriate content.
3. Internet Matters
A UK-based organization providing expert support and practical tips to help children manage online safety issues.
4. Childnet International
A UK charity working to make the internet a safe place for children. Offers resources and advice for parents and carers.
5. Parent Zone
Provides information and support to help parents understand and navigate the digital world their children are growing up in.
6. UK Safer Internet Centre
Offers advice and resources to help parents and carers keep their children safe online.
7. BBC Own It
Provides tips, advice, and resources for young people and their parents on how to navigate the online world safely.
8. Parent Info
A collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, offering expert information to help parents understand online risks.