Altofts Junior School

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Attendance Guidelines

Altofts Junior School recognises that school attendance matters. Lost learning through absence equates to lost progress through school.

Whilst some absences are inevitable, the school is committed to reducing absence down to the lowest possible levels. This can be achieved by a balance of rewarding attendance and supporting families where absence or punctuality is problematic.

However, the school will work in collaboration with the Education Welfare Service to sanction families where support systems have failed to make significant improvements.

We aim to achieve above average attendance through:

  • Rewarding good attendance and punctuality within school
  • Celebrating 100% attendance
  • Ensuring that attendance data is shared regularly with all stakeholders

We aim to reduce persistent absence by:

  • Providing regular monitoring of absence rates below 90%
  • Working with the Education Welfare Officer to support families where attendance falls below 90%
  • Providing written warnings for persistent absence and lateness, followed through by legal sanctions if required

We ask that parents and carers work with us to ensure that children attend school regularly and punctually.


 Altofts Junior School opens its doors to pupils for registration at 8:30am. Children arriving after 8.40am and before 8:50am, will have to enter school via the main reception and will be recorded as late in the register.  Arrivals after 8:50am, when the registration period has closed, will be recorded as unauthorised absence.

If a child is absent, school should be notified by telephone or reliable message between 8:00a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the morning of absence.

We will always attempt to contact a parent or carer, as quickly as possible, if a child is absent in the morning without explanation.

It is very important that in all cases of absence the school receives notification from the parent/carer. Legislation requires schools to publish annual figures for unauthorised absences (no notification received) as well as for authorised absences, such as illnesses, holidays and medical appointments. 

Attendance reports for individual children are produced and shared with parents termly and therefore forms part of their educational record. 

Please inform school in advance if children have to attend medical or dental appointments. School dinners can be reserved for pupils who miss part of a morning session.

The school's attempt to deliver the National Curriculum is seriously impaired whenever children are absent from school. 

It is inevitable that almost every child will be absent at some time during their school life through illness; parents/carers should consider carefully whether they wish to increase the number of absences by taking family holidays during term time. Only the family can make this kind of decision, but please give serious consideration to the full educational implications. 

With effect from 1st September 2014, our Governors will refuse requests for term time holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances.  In order to enforce this decision, they have agreed to the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices for parents taking their children out of school during term time for holidays without permission.

If you have any questions about school attendance you should contact the school and ask to speak to our Learning Mentors.

Further information can be found in the Attendance Policy below

Attendance policy

You should know:

  • School attendance is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 years
  • Schools must keep registers showing authorised and unauthorised absences in accordance with Government regulations
  • Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure a child's education; failure to do this can lead to legal action
  • Registers are checked regularly and absence queries followed up immediately by our Attendance Officer, Learning Mentors and EWO

Examples of Authorised Absence?

  • Personal illness
  • Medical appointments
  • Religious observance
  • Bereavement
  • Approved sporting activity

Examples of Unauthorised Absence?

  • Time off for birthdays
  • Shopping trips
  • Days out
  • Holidays during term time
  • Persistent lateness after registers have closed
  • Family member’s illness
  • Accompanying a family member to an appointment

Why is good attendance and punctuality important?

  • Regular attendance is vital if your child is to benefit fully from their education
  • Every absence means that vital lessons missed
  • It is easy to fall behind but difficult to make up lost time
  • It is good training for the future
  • It is your legal responsibility

How can parents support good attendance in school?

  • Establish a routine that allows your child to arrive at school, on time, every day
  • Always contact school immediately when your child is absent
  • Call each day of absence unless you have already notified us of a continuing absence eg 48 hours after a stomach bug or recovery time after an operation or contagious disease.