Altofts Junior School

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Curriculum Intent

At Altofts Junior School, our History curriculum develops an understanding of the past and how history will shape the future.  High quality lessons inspires pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past.  We want pupils to be passionate about History and our curriculum incorporates topics which foster awe and wonder.  Teaching equips children to examine causes and consequences; identify change and continuity; investigate similarities and differences; investigate historical significance; use and evaluate sources and evidence; and construct their own historical interpretation.  This allows them to build a historically rich vocabulary so that children can talk accurately about the subject.  Learning objectives draw knowledge and skills from the National Curriculum.  Our History themes focus on the development of five common threads: invasion, settlements, beliefs, women and rulers.



History is taught in blocks throughout the year so that children can achieve depth in their learning.  Key substantive and disciplinary knowledge and vocabulary are identified for each topic and this is built upon throughout the units, with explicit links made to the children’s prior and future learning.  Children learn the history of Britain in a chronological order, as well as studying ancient civilisations and local history.  Children start by learning about prehistoric Britain in Year 3, Roman Britain in Year 4, the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasion in Year 5 and concluding with British history beyond 1066, focussing on the Tudors in Year 5 World War 1 and World War 2 in Year 6.  This study is complemented with a local history unit linked with a local area geography unit in Year 6, the study of the ancient civilisations of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and the Mayans in Year 3 and 4.  Children express their learning in a variety of ways including writing, discussion, drama and art.


Children begin each topic with a ‘hook’ lesson to ignite their interest.  Within the history units, we try and provide the children with visits and visitors to allow their knowledge and skills to be extended. These visit and visitors are sometimes used to hook the children into their topic, during the topic to develop knowledge or at the end of the theme apply their knowledge. The topics children study offer scope to also use a variety of historical resources which are held within school or accessed from local historical providers.  Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners.



The impact of the History curriculum is seen in a variety of ways.  This includes discussions with pupils and staff, in History books, planning documentation showing progression and prior learning links and lesson observations.  Outcomes show a depth of learning and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge and vocabulary relating to each topic.  The History books also reflect the variety of tasks that are being used to teach this knowledge.  Pupil conversations show that children are confident to talk about this History they have learnt.



Knowledge Organisers

Year 3

Ancient Egypt

Prehistoric Britain

Year 4

Autumn Term Maya Civilisation

Spring Term Ancient Greece

Summer Term Romans 

Year 5

Autumn Term Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

Summer Term Tudors

Year 6 

Autumn Term World War One

Spring Term World War Two

Summer Term The Local Area