Altofts Junior School

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Art is an inspiring, and practical subject. Art encourages children to learn to think and perform creatively to express emotions and truths at a human level. It has a body of knowledge and a vocabulary which can be applied and developed through their primary, secondary & tertiary subjects and into their adult lives.

We encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to cultivate ideas and concepts which will progress their understanding of how their work may be developed through an artistic process. The curriculum is developmental, building of previously learnt skills and knowledge, year by year. By developing and mastering a range of techniques, using a variety of media, they can refine their finished products to allow them to communicate to an audience. The children are also given opportunities to reflect upon and draw inspiration from the greatest artists and artisans from history, learning both the appreciation of the aesthetic, as well as techniques and artistic processes.

We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other disciplines such as mathematics, English, science, music and design technology.


The introduction of consistent practice, such as the use of sketch books, will provide pupils with a developmental journey through the four years.

In order to address the different levels of confidence, following the allocation of art topics within the new annual curriculum plan, a review of teacher confidence will be taken and from these, termly cpd sessions planned to address gaps and areas of lower confidence.


Pupils will make good progress from their own personal starting points. Pupils will be able to talk about their art development using their sketch books, particularly from Y3 to Y6.

The development of an evidence profile portfolio, taking copies of expected and above for each year group, will provide both evidence of progression in the subject, plus it will act as a resource for teachers to use in the future to support their assessment.

Knowledge Organisers

Year 3

Autumn Term Printing 

Year 4

Autumn Term Self Portraits

Year 5

 Autumn Term Acrylic Painting

Year 6 

Autumn Term Picasso